These Sinaloa style tacos dorados are deep fried potato tacos. They are served with lettuce, cucumber, radishes, pickled red onion, and caldillo. These tacos are great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. They are also perfect food to celebrate a special day.
30 minutosmin
30 minutosmin
0 minutosmin
1 horah
Calories: 504kcal
2½cupscooked potatoesMashed potatoes or 1 lb/450g of potatoes
To cook the potatoes, add 1 pound / 450 g of small potatoes to a pot of salted water.Make sure the water covers them completely and boil until the potatoes are completely soft. When they are ready, drain them, and prepare the puree with a potato masher and a good pinch of salt. Taste seasoning and adjust if necessary.
For the caldillo
Put the tomatoes, onion, garlic, cilantro and oregano in a saucepan with 1 cup of water and cover. Cook over medium-high heat for 10-15 minutes or until everything is fully cooked.Add a large pinch of salt, blend with a blender or immersion blender. Check flavor and adjust if necessar by seasoning.
To form the tacos, heat the corn tortillas until flexible, add a tablespoon of mashed potatoes. Make sure the filling covers the tortilla from side to side. Fold in half and secure with a toothpick or bamboo skewer.
Heat the oil to 350ºF. Fry the tacos two at a time until golden brown, about two to three minutes on each side.
Drain the tacos on a baking sheet lined with paper towels.
To serve
To serve the tacos, put three in a bowl, and remove the toothpicks. Open the tacos carefully so they do not break and fill with lettuce, cucumber, radishes and red onions.